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10 Things You Might Not Know About Me

So you follow me on Instagram or maybe Facebook or my blog only. OR maybe you just stumbled across me blog and found me. So, you know what I share on those platforms. Have you ever wanted to know more about me? Those random facts? Well, today is your lucky day!! Here are 10 RANDOM things about me....

1. Divorced - that is right, I was previously married. I would tell you more about it, but that is a long story and definitely a long blog! Just know, if you are NOT happy or in a situation that you do NOT deserve, YOU have the power to change it! You can always reach out to me if you want to chat about anything!!

2. We lived in Brigantine, NJ for awhile. I absolutely LOVED it! One of the most beautiful places ever and the fall colors in Jersey?! So absolutely picturesque. I can't wait to go back and visit someday. Until then, here I am, an Arizona girl - born and raised.

3. Meningitis. I had viral meningitis in 2016. Is there much more to say? I was stuck in the hospital for days, told I could die and could not see my kids. I was under quarantine and in more pain than I could have ever imagined. I had Connor drug free and would opt to have 30 babies without any medication before facing meningitis again. For months I had a lingering headache, dizziness and hallucinations. I now have complete and total panic attacks anytime I get the slightest headache.

4. I have 3 brothers. Two are half brother and older than me. One is younger by 4 years. My older two are out of state and my younger brother is about 2 and a half hours away. Because of the distance, I don't see any of them too often. I do talk to my little brother all the time.

5. Growing up I didn't have a great relationship with my dad. We are no longer in contact at all. When I was a teenager, my best friend's dad was really there for me. I am so thankful for her parents for being so amazing. He recently passed away (April 2019).

6. I lived in Hawaii. Yep, another state. I lived in Hawaii Kai, Hawaii for about a year. I was a nanny for a friend's aunt. I had the worst island fever and was terribly home sick when living there. Who would think that someone can get homesick in paradise?! Now, I would give anything to go the fire department hiring? Haha....should I make Payton apply?

7. I grew up riding horses competitively and I was GOOD at it. I was a state champion. I don't ride anymore and I miss it more than anything. Unfortunately, with a bum hip, I will never be able to ride the way I used to. I was told that I can ride though, just have to take it easy.

 8. I have my GED and High School diploma. Not much else to say! I dropped out of high school and got my GED and then I went back to high school online and earned my diploma. Weird, I know, but I realized that I wanted the diploma.

9. I LOVE mayonnaise. Like love love. I put it on everything and use it for dipping sauce. I love to add other sauces to it to change up the flavor a bit, but you can count on it being on my hot dogs, burgers, anything.

10. I am a victim of attempted rape. Another blog, another day, another moment of digging somewhere that I am not ready to. He is in prison for it.

There is so much more about me left to share, but a lot of it takes some barriers being let down on my end. Make sure you follow me to see when any new blogs come out!


Tasty & Easy 30 Min Cauliflower Shrimp Bowl

As some of you know, Payton is pretty deep into the Keto diet so making meals that we both want to eat can be a bit of a struggle. I love rice, hash browns, bread and lets face it....CARBS.

I have been using cauliflower rice in multiple ways to make meals that work for us. And in the summer, I am not a big fan of heavy meals or meals that take a long time to make (ok, time is a factor no matter the season). I wanted to do an all in one type of meal that was quick and easy, so I thought, why not throw shrimp and cauliflower rice together? It came out so amazing and delicious! Absolutely on the top of my summer go to list!

I used foods that I had sitting around the house which made it even easier. I am not a huge fan of any extra grocery store trips than actually needed! Thank goodness for a deep freezer, right?

What all did I use/have laying around? 
  • Large pre cooked shrimp
  • Frozen diced cauliflower
  • Tomatoes
  • Onion
  • Lime
  • Avocado
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Onion Powder
  • Garlic Powder
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Butter
  • Olive Oil
  • Small Jalapeno
Cooking it was pretty simple! I got out 2 medium skillets and a cutting board and got to work. I put a tablespoon of olive oil in each pan and put the shrimp and riced cauliflower in frozen. I cooked everything and prepared the pico. Once everything was done, I threw it all in the bowl and enjoyed! AND Payton and Kenz loved it as much as I did! 

  • 1 LB Frozen Large Pre Cooked Shrimp
  • 1 Frozen bag of diced cauliflower
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 Lime
  • 2 Ripe Tomatoes (I Prefer on the Vine)
  • 1/2 an onion - diced
  • Salt - Pinch
  • Pepper - Pinch
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Onion Powder
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
  • 2 Tablespoons Oil
  • 2 Tablespoons Butter
  • 1 Small Jalapeno - Deseeded and diced


  • Get 2 medium skillets out and put 1 Tablespoon of oil in each skillet, turn the burners on medium. In one skillet, add the frozen cauliflower and in the other add the frozen shrimp. 
  • Shrimp - 
    • Lightly add a pinch of salt and pepper
    • Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder over the shrimp
    • Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of onion powder over the shrimp
    • Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper over the shrimp
    • Squeeze 1/2 a lime over the shrimp
    • Cook approx 15 min on medium/low heat, stirring occasionally
  • Cauliflower
    • Add a pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper
    • Add 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder
    • Add 1/4 teaspoon of onion power
    • Add 2 tablespoons of butter
    • Cooking time varies - aprox 15 min on medium heat (i like mine golden)
    • Stir frequently
  • While the shrimp and cauliflower cook, get the fresh pico ready
    • Dice 2 tomatoes on the vine and put into a bowl
    • Dice 1/2 of a large onion and add to the bowl
    • Dice small jalapeno and add to the bowl
    • Season lightly with garlic powder and pepper
    • Mix and set aside
  • Cut up avocado
  • Once riced cauliflower is done, put in the bowl you wish to eat out of and garnish with the rest of your toppings (Shrimp, Pico, Avocado)! 
  • Squeeze lime over all of your food and enjoy!

Hip Replacement at 33

If you read my last blog, you know a bit of the back story on my hip and how I got to the point of needing a hip replacement! If you didn’t, you need to go read it to catch up 😂😂

J/K - I will give you the brief run down....

In junior high I rode horses and was in cheer! I failed to stretch before cheering one day and thought that I pulled a muscle going into the splits. Did I rest or go to the doctor? No. Did I continue horseback riding, doing barn work and cheering? Yes.

Fast forward to January 2019 (more years than I wish to admit). I now have bone spurs, a broken hip (I fell on the ice) and a joint that is partially dying. I can’t walk without limping, if at all! Some days it’s so terrible that I can’t. I am told that the only way to rectify it is to have a full hip replacement. Soooo, April 1, 2019 I had my first hip replacement.

 Let’s talk about the surgery. I don’t know why I expected to go into surgery and die on the table, but I totally did! 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ I am always super sensitive to anesthesia and warned the anesthesiologist, but I still had complications. I woke up so sick, like puking in a bag over and over for hours sick. A few hours after surgery they started rcoming in and trying to get you out of bed and moving. Well I was so sick I could barely sit up so I pretended to be sleeping all day so they would leave me alone. I finally got them to up my zofran and immediately was a different person! I felt alive again and was able to sit up and even stand up (with help above is the first one of my standing after surgery. Payton helped me out of bed)

Did I expect to be totally unable to lift my leg, move it or stand up on my own? No. I expected to be in pain and not be able to walk, but I didn’t expect to need help to the bathroom or even sliding my leg out of the bed. I stayed one night in the hospital. I had constant help and annoyances. The  morning after the surgery,  I was helped out of bed and was able to walk 2 laps with my walker and my belt on, just to be safe!

They were so impressed since most hip replacement recipients are older and couldn’t move around as much as I was or as quickly! Here I thought I should be moving more and they thought I was basically breaking records! 

Once we got home, I don’t know what I would have done without my mom there watching the kids and Payton off of work to help me. He had to buy me a raised toilet seat and even then, he had to pick me up and put me on the toilet. I was so proud of myself when I was able to cling to his neck and sit down. Small steps, but I felt accomplished. 

The first 4-5 days was horrible. I didn’t want to move and couldn’t. Payton had to slide my leg out of the bed to the floor and pick it up to get back into bed. I couldn’t get food, go anywhere without my walker or spend much time with my kids at all (note that Rhett’s 1st birthday was April 5). 

By day 5ish, I was able to slide my leg on and pick it up myself and put it on the bed on my own. I was still a bit iffy on the bathroom alone and had to be totally assisted in the shower, by the improvement was so drastic and amazing. I took pain killers the first night home and the next morning and never again. I hate the way they make me feel and am more of a suck it up type of gal. The pain didn’t seem bad enough for me to need more.

Let’s talk about the next few weeks. I was slowly able to do more and more. By the end of the first week, I was tired of bed and wanted out. I convinced Payton to take me furniture shopping with the assistance of my walker 😂! The looks I got were embarrassing, but it was amazing to move around! By 4 weeks, I was able to do just about anything without walker or cane! I was feeling so good! 

So here we are now, not much further, but much more mobile. I am just over 2 months post op. My hip feels great, I am even working out. My biggest complaint and complication is residual hives. I have never had a hive issue in my life. Ever since surgery, I have been getting them several times a week. I have seen the primary care and surgeon, even and ER dr for a rash that resembled cellulitis. No one knows what it is or why I am getting it, I was referred over to an allergist and will hopefully have answers soon! I have my first hike (flat and easy) planned for mid June! We are going to hike our favorite hike - West Fork Trail In Sedona!!

I will keep you guys posted on how the rest of my recovery and hives information as I get them!!