J/K - I will give you the brief run down....
In junior high I rode horses and was in cheer! I failed to stretch before cheering one day and thought that I pulled a muscle going into the splits. Did I rest or go to the doctor? No. Did I continue horseback riding, doing barn work and cheering? Yes.
Fast forward to January 2019 (more years than I wish to admit). I now have bone spurs, a broken hip (I fell on the ice) and a joint that is partially dying. I can’t walk without limping, if at all! Some days it’s so terrible that I can’t. I am told that the only way to rectify it is to have a full hip replacement. Soooo, April 1, 2019 I had my first hip replacement.
Did I expect to be totally unable to lift my leg, move it or stand up on my own? No. I expected to be in pain and not be able to walk, but I didn’t expect to need help to the bathroom or even sliding my leg out of the bed. I stayed one night in the hospital. I had constant help and annoyances. The morning after the surgery, I was helped out of bed and was able to walk 2 laps with my walker and my belt on, just to be safe!
They were so impressed since most hip replacement recipients are older and couldn’t move around as much as I was or as quickly! Here I thought I should be moving more and they thought I was basically breaking records!
Once we got home, I don’t know what I would have done without my mom there watching the kids and Payton off of work to help me. He had to buy me a raised toilet seat and even then, he had to pick me up and put me on the toilet. I was so proud of myself when I was able to cling to his neck and sit down. Small steps, but I felt accomplished.
The first 4-5 days was horrible. I didn’t want to move and couldn’t. Payton had to slide my leg out of the bed to the floor and pick it up to get back into bed. I couldn’t get food, go anywhere without my walker or spend much time with my kids at all (note that Rhett’s 1st birthday was April 5).
By day 5ish, I was able to slide my leg on and pick it up myself and put it on the bed on my own. I was still a bit iffy on the bathroom alone and had to be totally assisted in the shower, by the improvement was so drastic and amazing. I took pain killers the first night home and the next morning and never again. I hate the way they make me feel and am more of a suck it up type of gal. The pain didn’t seem bad enough for me to need more.
Let’s talk about the next few weeks. I was slowly able to do more and more. By the end of the first week, I was tired of bed and wanted out. I convinced Payton to take me furniture shopping with the assistance of my walker 😂! The looks I got were embarrassing, but it was amazing to move around! By 4 weeks, I was able to do just about anything without walker or cane! I was feeling so good!
I will keep you guys posted on how the rest of my recovery and hives information as I get them!!