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Why I want To Focus On Being The Same This Year

That is right my friends, this year my focus isn't about changing myself, it's about accentuating who 
I already am. 

2019 has gone down in the books as one of the hardest of my life. It started with a broken hip and ended with 3 broke down vehicles and an autoimmune flare up. We bought a house in April, the same month I had my hip replacement and the same month the kids were taken and the custody battle began. I have lived daily with hives and autoimmune issues since my surgery which triggered it all. Court has drug out all year and finances became a mess due to everything. 

2020, I have many goals for myself and my family. We can't wait to put this difficult year behind us and move forward, hoping for some closure to our custody case. Read on to see my year goals outlines. 


With how crazy life has been this year, getting our new home completely organized has been next to impossible. I feel like we kind of just put things places, not exactly where we want it. Does that make any sense. LOL! We have already spent the last few weeks starting this, but it is difficult with a family of 7. 

Chore Schedules

We believe in teaching the kids responsibility and accountability. They currently have chores, but I would like to tie down their schedule in it a bit more. They tend to be a bit lazy and sloppy with the things that they do. We are really trying to teach them to take care of things and take pride in what they have, chores and learning to take care of things is so important for that. 


A few months ago, I began seeing a holistic doctor for my hives and autoimmune issues. I found that modern medicine and doctors didn't want to take the time to actually heal within, it is covering things with prescriptions and blowing it off. My new doctor clarified the importance of diet. While following the Whole 30 diet, I found food plays into how I feel so much. My goals for the year is to really stick to this diet and be cautious of what I put into my body. 

Pay off debt

The funny thing about buying a new house and paying for attorneys, it costs. I really want to focus on paying off as much debt as possible this year and being more money cautious. 

Home Improvements

We had tons of stuff we wanted to do to our home, but that obviously costs. We got several of the lower cost things done, but would love to do some of the bigger things. The biggest would be to upgrade the fence on our property from chain link to wood. 

New Vehicles

I should clarify, new used vehicles. All of our vehicles are paid off, but like I said before, all have been having issues. Our mechanic came out and was able to do some small repairs to get 2 running ok for a while, but the bigger repairs cost more than the vehicles. We need to upgrade, but I refuse to have the payment that a new car brings. 


With a broken hip and a hip replacement, working out hasn't been the easiest. I want to really get into a fitness routine this year. I would also love to take more time to hike. 

Have More Fun

We try to do fun activities as frequently as possible, I would really like to find more time to do this not only just Payton and I, but with the kids too! Whether it is some things as small as a trip to the lake, or weekend getaway, I want it to be a priority. 

That is about it for now, but I frequently add goals to my list as time goes on so I am sure throughout the year, I will find several more things I would like to accomplish throughout the year. 


Noturaverage Grinch Brownies with Gluten & Dairy Free Option

For me, Christmas time means lots of baking. I grew up helping my mom make everything homemade from Santa cookies to pies and breads. Naturally, I have followed in her lead, but to the max. I begin baking just before Thanksgiving and don’t stop until New Years. It is my absolute favorite thing to do, I look forward to it all year and plan my recipes out during the “off season”.

This year I decided to make a new recipe that incorporates our year of bad luck into our Christmas treats. Grinch Brownies! They turned out even better than I had imagined so I ended up making multiple batches since the neighborhood kids are always hanging at our house. 

Most of you know that I try to eat completely gluten and dairy free and organic. I did incorporate that into this recipe by using organic, cage free eggs, gluten free flour and plant-based butter. The changes in my recipe turned out amazing. The flavor is wonderful! I found gluten free oreo knock offs at Sprouts, along with gluten free icing for the topping.

Throwing everything together was super easy and simple. I basically mixed dry ingredients separately and then combined it all. The first thing I opted to do was combine the butter and chocolate chips. The butter I used is Country Crock Plant Based.

Next, I mixed together the flour, salt and cocoa powder and set aside. I already had organic table salt and Simple Truth Cocoa powder. I did purchase extra Bob's Redmill 1 to 1 Gluten Free Flour, I already use this frequently so it wasn't a new product for me. 

Once that was done, I measured the hot water and espresso and mixed it up. I just set this aside while I combined the sugars and eggs. I used the store brand organic, cages free eggs. Beat this until it gets fluffy then add your other ingredients. Begin with the chocolate mixture, then the espresso and add the vanilla at this time. Last, combine the flour mixture to your brownie batter.  

I spread it in my pan (I actually used 2 small glass pans; size unknown, too lazy to measure). Make sure to grease these pans! Chosen Foods makes an amazing avocado spray that I use. It was perfect for the Grinch Brownies. I watched it closely in the oven (preheated to 350 degrees). It took 40 min to bake, keep in mind I am aprox 6,000 feet elevation so be sure to watch yours around the 30 min mark. 

Once the brownies had cooled, I added my white frosting to a bowl and mixed in a few drops of green food coloring. I found a good premade frosting at either Sprouts along with an oreo type cookies. Red hots were probably the most difficult thing to find. I found the good old sugar filled.. unhealthy version at Walgreens. 

ENJOY! Be sure to tag me if you make them!


DIY Pinecone Ornaments

I hope I am not the only one out there with a toddler who keeps breaking every ornament on the tree! I decided that I was sick of buying ornaments and figured the kids would enjoy doing some fun crafts, so we made our own.

We already had all the supplies which made it really easy! We have pine trees so pinecones are never a short quantity around here.
You will need -
- Thin ribbon
- Hot glue gun
- Pinecones
- Glitter paint
- Table cloth

I sent the kids outside to get a bunch of pinecones while I laid out the table cloth (our table was super not cheap, so I always but the cheap $1 table clothes from Walmart to protect it). One that was done, I cute a bunch of 6" ish pieces of ribbon and burnt the edge with a lighter to prevent fraying.

Once the pinecones were inside, I used the hot glue gun to loop the ribbon at the top of the pinecones. This easily creates a "hook" to hang the ornaments on my Christmas Tree. I used red ribbon which added a festive Christmasy effect to them that I love. The color you use is totally up to you though.

Next, I gave the kids the glitter glue (scary right?). They used their own creativity to give the pinecones some pretty effects. I did one "example" pinecone for them to see. The kids did some with all colors (red, green, gold and silver) and some with just a couple or only one. They all turned out really pretty.

Once the ornaments were dry, we hung them from out tree branches with our other ornaments. They are the perfect filler ornaments and give our home a really pretty pine tree effect. On top of that, the kids love that they made the ornaments themselves! I love being able to give them a chance to have some fun artwork to show off to their friends and family!

Let me know if you guys make them! I would love to see what your family creates.


Manscaped For Your Man Is The Perfect Gift

*The items in the blog were gifted to me. All thoughts and opinions are my own*

Who struggles to find the perfect gift for that special guy in your life? I HATE Christmas, holiday, any type of shopping for Payton. I never know what he actually wants so I have tried to turn gift giving into something fun. I try to gift each small, funny gifts and experiences since we really both have everything that we need. We are lucky. 

When I heard about MANSCAPED, I knew it would be the perfect gift for Payton! When my package came in, it did not disappoint! Not only were all the products perfect, the humor is on point. Payton and I have the best sense of humor together and love laughs.

By now, I am sure you are asking yourself, “What the heck IS MANSCAPED?!” MANSCAPED is the #1 men’s below the belt grooming company out there! They have carefully created the right tools for the delicate job of keeping the “family jewels” look, smell and feel, fresh, healthy and clean. Thank goodness, right?!

Now let’s talk about what the sent us. We received what is called the “Perfect Package” (package, get it…hehe). It is jam packed with all sorts of goodies!

 The first item is the Lawn Mower 2.0. I’m sure you have the right idea for what this is and where you use it! The Lawn Mower 2.0 is a groin and body groomer with anti-nick SkinSafe™technology. The anti-nick technology prevents hair tugs, cuts and skin pulls on delicate man areas. I obviously can’t relate, but am sure this is a huge relief for any guy out there. This product was reviewed and raved about on Shark Tank as well. 

Next up, is Manscaped’s anti-chafing Crop Preserver ball deodorant. I am sure the man in your life uses deodorant on his armpits, but what about down there? Crop Preserver provides your man with up to 24 hours of Active pH Control, big must for Payton since fire fighting gets a bit hot at times. It hydrates while keeping him sweat-free, and funk free. I love that it is vegan and cruelty-free and contains no dyes, sulfates or parabens.

As if that isn’t enough to give us some giggles and him some grooming reassurance, our Perfect Package included more! Ball Toner, did you know that was even a thing? Just a few sprays, keeps him fresh and invigorated up to 24 hours. The Ball Toner is also vegan and cruelty free, containing no dyes, sulfates or parabens.

Last but not last, it includes packaging. Packaging for your man and for all his new goodies! Anti-chafing performance boxer briefs will have him living in luxury. Make sure to buy a few pairs because they will quickly become his favorite underwear! To go with that, the Perfect Package comes with a leather carry case for everything! It is perfect in size and SO dang soft. This makes it easy for travel and storage.

Join the Manscaped Movement and get 20% off + free shipping with the code "MOMOF5" at Manscape



Happy 1 Year Blogiversary To ME

One year ago, on this day, I made the jump from influencer to influencer AND blogger. I know it sounds silly, but it was a scary decision. I knew blogging would require more work, more time and in turn, more effort. It would require me to open up more. It requires me to be consistent.

The fact that people regularly read and visit my blog is such an amazing honor. To think that people take time out of their day and lives to see what I have to say! Wow, you guys, I am beyond humbled and grateful to every person who has managed to land on my page. 

I checked today and saw that I have 33 published blogs in my first year. I honestly hadn’t realized that I had written that many! I do wish that I had written more.

 I sent my payment and renewed my domain for another year. Another year of writing, sharing, learning and growing. Another year to connect, help others and simplify my thoughts. A year to hopefully write MORE than last. A year to outdo my previous year.

With my blogiversary and the New Year being so close together, I have decided to combine some of my resolutions to include my blog goals. Last year, I did this with Instagram Influencing and surpassed any goal I had imagined. This year, I plan to here, with my blog. 

Some of my goals are

1.    More recipes. You guys are aware that I am really working on my lifestyle and what I eat. I really want to start sharing how I am doing that and what I am eating

2.    My health. My health post hip replacement has drastically plummeted. I am hoping to share more of how I am tackling my health obstacles and what those obstacles are.

3.    Custody Issues. This past year I have been under court order to not share any details of our high conflict child custody case. This coming year, I plan to write, share and help others. Little did I know, our system is seriously flawed and so many people are out there struggling with situations similar to mine (custodial interference, lies, mental abuse, neglect).

4.    Amazing products. I will consistently continue to share all things that I love with you guys! Anything that helps make someone’s life easier is a win to that person. As a mom of 5, I have had my fair share of products that genuinely suck, my hope is to help people. I only share products and services that I would USE and pay for myself. I have many times tried products and opted to not share them if they are not up to my standards.

5.    Write more. I wish I could share everyday and maybe someday I will be able to. In the meantime, my goal is to write at least 90 blogs this coming year!

6.    Tips and tricks. I really want to share more of my life hacks and how we keep it together among the chaos.

7.    Listen more. I will be asking more in my Instagram stories for inspiration from you guys – what you want to read! You all sharing your thoughts and ideas mean the world to me and really keep me going!

I am sure I will think of so many more along the way! BUTTTT, this is a good start. 

Sharing my life is not always easy, but the support I have found and the people who say my words have helped them keep me motivated or really helps in anyway, keeps me writing even during the rough times. There is so much more I can't wait to share! Thank you all so much for your amazing support and all the love you give me!


Personalized Holiday Cards With Basic Invite

*This is sponsored post, all thoughts and opinions are my own.*

Sometimes it feels as though a sentimental gesture, such as Christmas cards, is becoming a thing of the past. Growing up, my mom handwrote Christmas cards and includes a year’s worth of notable updates in them. So many times, I say I will do the same, but I allow life to get in the way. 

Finding Basic Invite has been my answer to conveniently being able to create and send personalized cards no matter the time of year! Specifically, this time of year, Christmas cards with photographs are easily creatable. Invitations, birthday cards, announcements, holiday and business cards are all customizable in one easy place. On top of that? There are so many options to pick from! Christmas cards with photographs are the perfect way for me to send a special communication with my family and friends near and far.

If you could pick any color what would it be? No really. Basic Invite has over 180 colors to pick from. Would you go basic Christmas colors or unique colors? It is the perfect way to make sure your card is EXACTLY how YOU want it and really sets Basic Invite apart from other online stationary companies. You additionally have the option of adding foil to your card in gold, silver and rose gold, raised or flat.

I always worry that my cards will not turn out the way I had envisioned them. What do you do what you have 50, 100 or even 200 Christmas cards that you don't like and really don't want to send out because let's face it, that is a real possibility. It happened to me a few years ago so the cards sat in a drawer and never left my house. Basic Invite allows you to print a sample and make sure it is exactly what you want. This is such a huge selling point for me in making my holiday photo cards 2019 absolutely perfect.

Once you create the perfect Christmas card with photographs or christmas party invitation, you want to make sure the packaging is exactly how you want it. Luckily, Basic Invite has you covered. With over 40 different envelope colors to pick from, your christmas party invitation idea and holiday photo cards 2019 will have the perfect finishing touch and presentation.

Making sure your recipients receive their cards or invitation is so simple using Basic Invite. Basic Invite offers an address capturing service which allows you to share a link on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media to request your friends and family’s addresses. What is better is the addresses are stored in your account and can be easily selected anytime. So, taking away the hassle of stamping and labeling your own envelopes ups the convenience factor times a million, in my book!

So now as yourself why haven’t you created any holiday photo cards 2019?

With Christmas and New Years around the corner, the biggest challenge I have now is picking a design and the perfect picture. With so many beautiful options, I want them all, how many Christmas cards with photographs are acceptable to send in one year?

Right now, Basic Invite is offering 15% with coupon code: 15FF51

RUNNNNNN, there is still time to get your holiday photo cards 2019 ordered!


Pick Your Party Sweepstakes

*This is a sponsored post. All words and opinions are my own*

Feeling the need to travel? Great news if you are, RITZ, Oreo and Chips Ahoy! have an amazing sweepstakes going on right now. Not only will you be snacking on your favorite snack food, you could win 1 of 4 all-inclusive PARTY trips!

Ok, now the real question, what is the catch? That is always my first question! In this case, it is really an added bonus! You get to enter by purchasing Oreo Party Packs, RITZ Party Packs or Chips Ahoy! Party Packs ( The catch is, snacking on amazing cookies and crackers! And for every PARTY PACK you purchase, you are able to enter.

Next question, how do you go about entering? Entering the Pick Your Party Sweepstakes is not only simple, but fun! By using their fun online method of entering, you get a fun dose of augmented reality! Go online to and follow the instructions. You simply activate the scanner and hold your phone in front of the package! 

Once you have completed the initial scanning, you get to take a fun selfie with your favorite trip's theme! The filters are so much fun, you can even save the photos to your phone! What's best is once you take your self, you are directed to another site where you pick your trip and enter to win it! It is as simple and fun as that!

Now, let's talk PARTY TRIPS! As I stated before, all 4 of the trips are ALL INCLUSIVE!! How amazing, right? 

  • Trip 1 - New Years Eve at the BIGGEST New Years Eve party, in New York City!! Bundle up and get ready for some serious fun! I know I watch NYE in Times Square on TV every year, going would be a blast! 
  • Trip 2 - St Patrick's Day in the place it all began, Ireland. This trip is definitely the one I would want to win! 
  • Trip 3 - Some serious partying in New Orleans for Mardi Gras. I have never been, but have always thought this would be the ultimate party! 
  • Trip 4 - BRAZIL! That is right, Rio Carnival in Brazil! Is there much else to say besides, YES PLEASE?!

So now, what are you waiting for?! RUN! Enter this sweepstakes ASAP. I found all of my Party Packs at Walmart in the same isle. This is exactly why Walmart is always my go to, everything is so convenient! 

Keep me posted on all your entries! Can’t wait to find out who the big winners are!


Toy Gifts 2019

*Some of these toys were gifted to me, all thoughts and opinions are my own*

With Christmas around the corner, checking off Christmas lists can be a bit frantic. Every year, I struggle with toy ideas for my kids so I decided to put together a some of my favorite toys. Hope you enjoy! (These are in no particular order)

  •  Hape Wooden Toys - Sold in multiple stores, they are easy to find and have tons of wonderful options. Their toys are easily filtered by age range which makes it really easy to find toys suitable for the desired age group. They have large and small toys which covers gift giving of any size. 

  •  Toy Box Monthly - Why not keep the gifts coming all year? Toy Box Monthly is an amazing toy subscription box. They are delivered monthly and geared for children between 4 and 8. You can pick boys, girls or mixed boxes and the price is only $23 per month with FREE shipping!

  •  Owl Crate - Another wonderful subscription box option, but this one gives the gift of reading. Reading is such an important part of our family dynamic so this one is really exciting for me! We were sent the September "Legends of the Deep" themed box and LOVE it. I am including a photo that shows the contents - 2 books, tea bags, a cute fish tea steeper, and a few other fun goodies. Each box contains 4-6 goodies and is geared towards kids 8-12 years old of any gender. The subscription is $27.99 monthly (with discounts for 3, 6 and 12 month prepayments) and shipped world wide (with the exception of Peru, Mexico and Iran). 

  •  WowWee - Baby Sharked out yet? Me too, but my kids sure aren't. WowWee has ALL of the Baby Shark options your family could ever want! They even have shark stuffed animals that sing the Baby Shark song to you!
  •  Just Play Products - If you don't know what Ryan's World or PJ Masks is, are you even a parent. Just Kidding! Or am I? My kids are OBSESSED with them and Just Play Products has them both plus so many other options including Mickey Mouse. On top of that? They are in every Walmart and Target I have ever set foot in!

  •  Octopus Watch by Joy - A smart watch for kids that helps and is cost friendly! It is a win win. It not only helps with time managements and responsibility, the Octopus watch also has a fitness tracker. Check out their website for purchase options and be shocked at how friendly the cost is!

  •  Basic Fun - So many amazingly fun options from them! Cutetitos (stuffed animal burritos), mini PacMan arcade style games and Frozen II snow globes are just a few of our favorite options from them! And yes, I said PacMan, so feel free to check out the other mini arcade games for yourself!

  •  My B Toys - Honestly, you probably already own several of these! I know we did before I even discovered the toy company. These quircky, fun toys are made in 100% recycled packaging which is one of my favorite aspects of these toys. Anything that helps our world a bit makes me feel so much better!

I could put a million more options, but I think these are definitely more than enough! Hope this helps y'all out!!

- Laura