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30 Positive Affirmations For Daily Use

Negative thoughts not only bring you down mentally, they effect how we deal with every situation we encounter. Entering a difficult situation with a negative mindset tends to give you a difficult outcome. Entering a positive situation with negative thoughts in the back of your mind will hinder your ability to fully feel joy. Not only does it bring us down, it brings down the people around you.

Starting new years, I made a promise to myself to work on my mindset. After probably the most difficult year of my life, my mindset was not in the right spot. I was a beacon for negative thoughts and energy. I knew that I was entering a point where I didn't feel worthy of positive energy. The first thing I needed to do was realize that was the negative taking over.

I found that waking up everyday and turning my negative thoughts into positive thoughts made me approach every day and every moment of the day differently. In moments I would normally feel discouraged, I found myself feeling stronger.

Please note, I NEVER miss a day in taking a moment to myself in the morning to be positive. So today, I am going to share some of my favorite positive affirmation that I use daily. And know, you don't have to use these ones, you can create your own as you go!

 30 Daily Affirmations

1. I am worthy of happiness. 

2. I will find happiness in all aspects of my life.  

3. I will be thankful for situations that make me stronger. 

4. I will not compare my life to others. 

5. I am in charge of my life. 

6. I deserve what good comes my way today.

7. Today is going to be a good day. 

8. I will not only create joy for myself, I will spread it to others. 

9. I will trust my judgement. 

10. My thoughts do not control me, I control my thoughts. 

11. I can do whatever I put my mind to with hard work and determinations. 

12. Live is a blessing. I am grateful for everyday and every situation I incur. 

13. My potential is limitless. 

14. I will live in the moment. 

15. I am enough, I will always be enough. 

16. I am strong enough to face my fears. 

17. I will celebrate each goal I accomplish. 

18. I will push myself to be the best me I can be. 

19. Everyday is a new beginning.

20. I appreciate those who love me and those I love. 

21. I am thankful for difficult times for leading me to today. 

22. I will forgive myself for past decisions I am not happy with. 

23. I will open doors to new opportunities. 

24. I will love myself today and everyday.

25. Everything I do, I will do with positive thoughts.

26. Each day I will allow myself to grow. 

27. I will find joy in even the smallest things today and everyday. 

28. I will continue to strive to be the best role model for my children. 

29. Today I will have energy to accomplish all of my goals. 

30. I am thankful to be healthy and alive.

As you can see, the options for positive thoughts is endless. Starting you day with just a few, leads you to have the mentality to use the same thought process throughout your day. When you find yourself facing a challenge, take a moment to think. Take a moment to be thankful and to find positives in it. Although the outcome will always be different, radiating positivity throughout each and every step keeps your spirit and energy up. 

I would love to hear if you are using these and how you like them!
