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How To Land Paid Collaborations

As an Instagram Influencer I have found so many different things that work and do not work. I am frequently asked so many questions on how I grew my Instagram and how I go about working with companies. Often, I receive emails from people charging to take their class or have them manage my account. This is your first mistake. You should never have to PAY to be an influencer. 

Influencing is not just posting products, it is posting content that draws followers in, that makes it attractive for a company to work with you. 

So here is my list of what to work on and how to get your page paid worthy and land paid collaborations.

1. Do not try to land collaborations until you have your page looking collaboration ready. Find some great accounts to follow! You can try checking out different hashtags in your niche to find follow worthy accounts. 

2. When I started, my photos were GARBAGE. Seriously. I thought so many were amazing and look back now questioning WHY I really posted those photos. You need high quality photos and trust me when I say, angles are everything. I take hundreds of photos before I get the perfect post worthy photo. I know we all want to post real and raw, but try to do real and raw pretty and eye catching. 

3. Use a preset. There are so many amazing presets out there, but Allie Boss are my favorite. Using a preset will help keep your feed "pretty". Some people do consistently use the same one. I have several and tend to use the photo that looks the best regardless of the preset. 

4. Know your worth! Seriously. Do NOT settle for product only. Photography, posting and staying creative and relevant is a TON of work. It is not post and go, its post and constantly interact with your followers. 

5. Engagement. I will write another blog at a later date on this, but I just want to briefly touch on this. You will not gain followers or be relevant without being seen. You have to get people to want to see your page! Go find them! Comment and like and engage on stories of all sorts of people. It is a great way to connect and to make sure you are being seen. 

6. Do not be afraid to approach companies on your own. How will they know you love them already and want to spread the word if you don't tell them?!

7. Pitch. Look, you can't just email a company and say "Hey, lets collaborate". I don't message random brands that I don't know about ahead of time. I research them and let them know why I love them and why I think my followers will love them. 

8. Grammar. DO NOT blog and Influence if you can't properly write. I saw a girl with close to 100k followers who had 5 run on sentences and apparently had no idea what a comma was. This is not the way to be taken seriously. I am not saying I am perfect, I have to go fix my writing all the time, but you should not be actively trying to do a job like this if you can't write or have someone help you edit. Oh, and, use words in the proper tense - their, there, they're, except, accept, and the list goes on. 

9. Captions. You want your captions to say something, but not too much. Find a happy medium. Do NOT post the same things over and over and over again. Do NOT make your captions too long. 

10. Do not give up! Companies have budgets and certain audiences they are looking for. Do not give up if you don't always get a yes. It takes time. 

11. Have a rate sheet and media kit. If you have questions on these please reach out to me and I will help you!

12. Know that all companies have budgets. One may pay 4 figures and one may pay $100. It is your decision how low and high you are willing to go.

I am always available to answer questions and plan to continue to write FREE blogs on my Instagramming and Blogging tips! You can always reach out to me on Instagram with any questions, concerns or topics you would like to see. 


Nano Well Beings - The Intelligent Wellness App

* This is a sponsored post by Nano. All thoughts and opinions are my own.**

Nano Premium Quarterly Box

Let's take a moment to talk health. It is without a doubt, what we live by. Unhealthy lifestyles lead to shorter lifespan, worse quality of life and can inevitably be handed down to our children. If you had the opportunity to take more control of sharing your health information and taking charge over it, wouldn't you?

I think the answer is simple, YES! In comes Nano Wellness App! We are anxiously awaiting the release, but in the meantime, why don't we talk about what it is all about! Nano App is an intelligent health an well-being network designed to support you and those you care for! Here is some ways it accomplishes that:

  • It is not just an app, but a community -
    • With Well-Beings, you are able to join groups tailored to the issues that matter with you and connect with others! For me this will come in so handy for my hive and autoimmune issues!
  • Trustworthy resources tailored to you!
    •  Ever curious about topic affecting your personal health and wellness? Let them take care of the research for you!
  • Family history -
    • Ever wonder what it all means and how it affects your health or future health? You can easily create your own Nano (shareable snapshot) that you can share with other family members and doctors. 
  • Health Profile -
    • Your personal health information that can be securely stored! Keep doctors records, test results, you name it, all in one secure place! (SO NEEDED FOR ME) Even manage your entire family!
  • Personalized health -
    • Specific recommendations for your personalized health, interest and goals.  
  • So Much More!!!
Sign up here for early access to the Nano Wellness App!

What does Nano Premium included? A Quarterly Nano Well-Being box! It includes the best products to support your health and wellness! 
Take a look at what my box included!!

Head over to the Nano site and sign up now!!


Our Stay At Hotel Azure Tahoe

**This post is sponsored by Hotel Azure. All words and opinions are my own.**

Tranquil and beautiful is an understatement for not only South Lake Tahoe, but for Hotel Azure. When we arrived at the hotel, I knew immediately, how magical our stay would be! The lake is LITERALLY right across the street from Hotel Azure and the hotel vibe and beauty was so comforting.

Our room was absolutely stunning from the moment we walked in. I was blown away by the size, decor and cleanliness. The room had a living/dining room and separate bedroom which would make it just as perfect for a family to fit in and have comfortable space. The bedroom window offered a generous view of the lake and pine trees as well. From the living room, there was a sliding glass door that led to a patio equipped with furniture and the most amazing view of Lake Tahoe!

The bed was so comfortable! I felt like I was sleeping in my own room. Luxury linens and pillows are not something they skimped on! Waking up refreshed everyday and ready to explore Lake Tahoe was one of my favorite parts of the stay!

Balcony View


Living room

I am not sure about you, but one thing that is important to me when staying away from home is amenities. We love working out so a gym is a must! Hotel Azure has a wonderful workout room with tons of equipment and it overlooks the lake. Who wouldn't want to workout with a beautiful view?! Next to the fitness center is the game room. Air hockey, foosball, books, board games, sitting area and television. My kids would definitely live in the game room or the beautiful pool right outside! The pool and hot tub were so well kept and I noticed the maintenance man checked the pH levels every morning while cleaning them out! The hot tub on a cool night is what my relaxation dreams are made of!

Hotel Azure is located in a perfect part of town. There are restaurants nearby and the casinos are about a 5 minute Uber ride. I even found a TJ Maxx and Goodwill just minutes away (obviously I had to shop). Heavenly Village was just a few miles away and has tons of entertainment including shopping and the gondola! 

My favorite part? Right across the street lies Lake Tahoe. There is a traffic light with a crossing path right in front of the hotel. We found stairs that led down to the lake and crystal blue waters. I am not even kidding when I say you can see right to the bottom! Perfect for summer since there are numerous beaches nearby! 

I am quickly counting down the days to start planning our next vacation to South Lake Tahoe! Hotel Azure is absolutely the place we will stay again and seeing how family friendly it is, we might even take the kids this time! (BIG MIGHT, kids free vacation was so needed!) I would highly recommend them to anyone! Dogs even stay free! 

Can't wait for our next visit!
