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15 Must Haves For A Work From Mom Blogger

Most of you know that before my hip replacement, I worked full time in an office. I decided to dive full time into blogging and influencing and see if the income was enough to stay home. In working from home, I have learned so many things. Read along to find out my 15 must haves for me to be a working from home blogger!

1. Organization
You guys, I can not stress how important it is so be organized if you are going to try to be a stay at hone bloggers. Time management, money organization and time organization are a must. It is easy to say "I will do it later" and never go back and do it.

2. A Planner
I would go insane without my planner. Not only do I use the planner on my phone, I have TWO paper, yearly planners. I carry my planners everywhere and update them multiple times a day. This is literally the first thing you need to get if you decide to start blogging full time.

3. A Good Computer
I started with a not so great laptop and eventually had to upgrade. I am actually already looking to upgrade again. The quality of your computer is so important when you are constantly writing and editing. Don't cut corners.

4. A Quiet Place
I literally have to stress this, especially if you are a mom, find a nice quiet place to write! Writing with your kids in the background watching TV is not easy. I wake up early or stay up late to work. I also work when they are at school.

5. A Good Phone
Working doesn't end for me. I have driven down the road and seen a flower that I know would be perfect in a picture so I stop to take one. Make sure your phone camera is up to par! I work during practices, in waiting rooms, you name it.

6. Spreadsheets
Spreadsheets to keep track of your projects is something you shouldn't forget about. Excel really allows you to tailor spreadsheets to whatever you need them to be.

7. A Blog
Ok, this should be an obvious, right? I love Blogger, but there are many other sites to use!

8. Subjects
You can't blog without subjects to blog about. I work with companies on different posts to promote their products, but only work with products I love. I have a list of about 100 other blog ideas. Some I have even started! Make sure you find ways to connect with people so you have people reading your blogs.

9. Google Analytics
You have to have this if you want to be successful. Google analytics gives you all the insights you and companies need to see.

10. Patience
Sometimes blogging can be frustrating, tiring and stressful. Deadlines, companies and changing audiences can be very stressful. A successful blog doesn't happen overnight. Keep writing, keep organized and keep growing - always remain patient.

11. Creativity
No one wants to see the same photos over and over in your blogs. Be creative, think outside of the box!

12. A Proofreader
Writers tend to read over their mistakes. Spell check doesn't check your grammar. Have someone else read your blogs.

13. A template
I love unique blogs! I personally bought a template on Etsy and LOVE it!

14. Snacks
Don't write on an empty stomach. Make sure you have healthy snacks throughout the day!

15. A Supportive Family
I could NOT do this without the amazing support that I have from Payton. He is such an amazing person to have in my corner supporting me, helping me and cheering me on. There is no way I would be where I am without him.

Good luck!
